Mass Times



Parish Calender

Cancellations - 2/8/25 and 2/9/25

Game Night - Saturday

Hands of Love - Sunday

Faith Formation - Grades 1-5 - Sunday

Welcome !

Weekly Reminders

2/7 - Adoration, 8am-1pm

2/8 - Family Game Night - 6pm

2/22 - Breakfast Run

3/15 - St. Patricks Day Dinner

9/20 - Save the Date for Fall Festival 2025!

Hands of Love and Grade 1

February 9th and 23rd - during 10am Mass

Grades 2-5

February 9th and 23rd  - 11am-12pm

Middle School - Grade 6

February 23rd  - St. Philip - 11am

February 9th - 3pm-5:15pm - All Saints

Confirmation - Grades 7-12

February 23rd  - St. Philip - 11am

February 9th - 3pm-5:15pm - All Saints

Beginning January 20th,

these ninety days --- and the years that

follow -- will offer you the chance to a different

kind of life. It's time for a new beginning, a new

Exodus into God's promises. As we follow Israel

out of darkness and into the Promised Land, we

will encounter Jesus as the one who can set us free.

To learn more, visit

For additional info on joining our parish fraternity, contact

Exodus 90

Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry will be meeting every Saturday morning throughout January at 8:30am in the Charleston Room.

All men, 18 years and older are invited to join!

Any Questions?

Please reach out to:

Weekly Flocknote Update

Stay connected with Parish information and events. If you would like to receive the

Weekly Update right to your email please contact the Parish office.

February 4, 2025

Mass Times

5 pm

8 am, 10 am, 12 noon

10 am Mass is live streamed on Zoom.

Please visit Flocknote or call the Parish Office for details.

Weekday Masses:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 7:30 am,

Tuesday and Thursday - 12:15 pm.


Saturday 4:00 to 4:30 pm in the Church or anytime by appointment.

The Church is open everyday from 7 am to 6 pm, for anyone who wants to make a private visit.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Every First Friday of the month from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Chapel.

Sign Up

Help Stock our Food Pantry!

Please see the list below for items that are currently needed for the Food Pantry. You may drop off to the Parish Office Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm, Friday 9am-1pm or weekends after all Masses at any entrance/exit in the Church. Thank you for your generosity!


Pasta Sauce

Canned Fruit

Peanut Butter and Jelly


Please consider giving your donation in a reuseable bag.

Learn More

Give online to the work of the church

Send us a Message

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