Hands of Love and Grade 1
March 9th, 23rd, 30th - during 10am Mass
Grades 2-5
March 9th, 23rd, 30th - 11am-12pm
Middle School - Grade 6
March 23rd, 30th - St. Philip - 11am
Confirmation - Grades 7-12
March 23rd - St. Philip - 11am
First Reconciliation Scarament
March 16th
Small Groups for Lent
During the season of Lent, we have small groups for
different ages coming together on a weeknight for
supper, fellowship and prayer. If you are interested,
please visit Flocknote or call the Parish Office.
Small Groups for Families with kids (ages 4 - 9 yrs)
Thursdays 5:30pm-6:30pm
Mondays 6pm-7pm
Mondays 6pm-7pm
Thursdays 7pm-8pm
Upcoming Events
3/7 - Adoration 8am-1pm
3/8 - Pray the Rosary 4:15pm
in the Church Vestibule
3/11 - Bible Study 7pm
please contact Fr. Sudhir if interested
3/15 - St. Patricks Day Dinner
3/16 - Sacrament of First Reconciliation
(after 12pm Mass)
4/6 - Bunny Breakfast
9/20 - Save the Date for Fall Festival 2025!
Saturday, March 15 at 6pm
Adults: $18 per person
Children 10 and under: $10 per child
***Traditional Irish Dinner***
Corned Beef, Cabbage and Potatoes
(with Mac & Cheese and Chicken for the “Wee Ones”)
Registration closes on Tuesday, March 11 ... please RSVP ASAP!!!
Stay connected with Parish information and events. If you would like to receive the
Weekly Update right to your email please contact the Parish office.
5 pm
8 am, 10 am, 12 noon
10 am Mass is live streamed on Zoom.
Please visit Flocknote or call the Parish Office for details.
Weekday Masses:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 7:30 am,
Tuesday and Thursday - 12:15 pm.
Saturday 4:00 to 4:30 pm in the Church or anytime by appointment.
The Church is open everyday from 7 am to 6 pm, for anyone who wants to make a private visit.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every First Friday of the month from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Chapel.
Please see the list below for items that are currently needed for the Food Pantry. You may drop off to the Parish Office Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm, Friday 9am-1pm or weekends after all Masses at any entrance/exit in the Church. Thank you for your generosity!
Vienna Sausage
Pasta Sauce
Please consider giving your donation in a reuseable bag.
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