The Liturgy Committee focuses on fostering Sacred Liturgy. The overall objective of the committee is to help plan, promote and prepare Parish spiritual activities. We continually strive to provide and encourage a deeper awareness of, and a more active participation, in the Liturgy.
A unique opportunity for our young men and women (Grades 4 and above) to serve the Lord at the Altar and to learn more about the mass as they assist the Celebrant.
Greeters/ushers are the first people encountered by guests as they enter our worship space. They enthusiastically welcome, assist and gather God's people for prayer. They help with offertory collection and in the distribution of bulletins.
Readers have the sacred duty of proclaiming the Word of God for masses and other liturgical events, effectively conveying the messages of the readings from scripture.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist with serving Eucharist. For those who are able, this also presents the opportunity to bring Eucharist, to the homebound and to those who are in nursing homes.
“He who sings, prays twice”. Join us as we serve the Lord through the ministry of music. We have our Adult Choir, Junior Choir (includes Children and Teens), Praise Choir, Cantors (Adults, Teens and Children) and Instrumentalists.
Help set-up, coordinate and oversee the details of weekend Masses.
Work along with the SPAG artists and help design and decorate the Church for Liturgical Seasons.
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